21 Aralık 2020 Pazartesi

Teaching Language Skills Class Mid-Term Assignment [TASK 2]




2.Use the following listening script titled “Island Beauty vs City Fun” and make detailed a lesson plan that includes pre-listening and while-listening parts. In your classroom there will 20 high-intermediate level adult learners. Your learners are highly motivated, and, in your classroom, you have full access to technological devices. You can also arrange and rearrange seating easily as the classroom does not have fixed chairs. (80 points)


Metin Uysal





Date: 11.12.2020

Teacher’s name: Metin Uysal

Classroom profile: 20 high-intermediate level learners and learners are highly motivated.

Subject: Comparing living in a city and on an island

Lexical Focus: Adjectives city life and people

Language focus and skills: Listening & Vocabulary

Age level: 20

Linguistic level: B2

Overall objectives: I will improve my students’ listening ability about daily life through listening a recording.

Behavioral objectives:

By the end of the lesson, learners will be better able to:

ü  Compare city and island life

ü  Find specific information from listening context

Personal aims:

·          To make sure that my students can understand the recordings context

·          To monitor my students actively

·          I tend to elicit a lot, no native language use

Seating: Horseshoe

Students are familiar with vocabulary about seasons
Students know all simple tenses and present perfect tense.
Students are familiar with all if types except type 3.

Methods & Techniques: Communicative Language Teaching

Potential problems and solutions:
Grammatical problems while speaking àRecast

Timetable: 50


ü  Board

ü  Board marker

ü  Projector

ü  Computer

ü  Wireless Presentation Remote Control


The teacher enters to class and greets the students:” Good morning! How are you today?” After students’ answering, the teacher walks towards windows and goes on “These days are really cold, and I feel upset when it’s raining. I really miss summer. Do you like summer?” He gets answers to his question. Upon an answer about holiday, he asks “Where do you generally go on holidays?”  He gets answers from his students. Then, he switches slide from a black screen to the slide full of full of pictures of touristic places.



He asks, “From this picture, where would you go if you were rich?” He gets answers with reasons such as “I would go number three because I like calm places and I wonder island life.” Then, he asks, “Imagine you were stuck all the summer and had no chance to travel. You only had one day holiday each month. What would you do as an activity in your city?” And student respond with things like “I would go to the cinema”, “I would read a book”, “I would play a computer game.”.   He gets answers from students and replies with recast in case of mistake.

Aims: To create a conversation similar to the one in the recording and discussion leading to similar vocabulary use.


He switches to next slide for vocabulary practice activity. Words from listening activity are reflected on the board for students to find synonyms.

He says, “Now we are going to match words with similar meanings. You have three minutes to think about.” Upon answers he matches words with board marker. So that learners can see words during listening activity.



[First Listening] He initiates the activity: “Now, we are going to listen a recording. I will want you to tell me about recording. You can write down small notes during your listening if you want.”

After the recording he asks one of the students: “John/Jane can you tell what they talk about in the recording?”

Aim: To understand the gist


[Second Listening] After listening for general idea, the teacher reflects some questions about the record on the board.

Students read these questions and think about them around two minutes. The teacher plays the recording for the second time and students seek for answers to the questions using their listening skills. After the listening teacher asks, “Have you completed all, or you need extra time for listening?” Depending on class’ receptive skill competence, this can reoccur.

Aim: To listen for specific information

Teaching Language Skills Class Mid-Term Assignment [TASK 1]

Teaching Language Skills Class Mid-Term Assignment  





Assume that one of your students said, “Is your mother play the piano” and you want to correct him as his teacher. Use all the error correction techniques to fix his error. Give examples for each technique. (20 points).

Multi Line Text.



Student: Is your mother play the piano?

Explicit Correction: Does your mother play the piano?  [Immediately, no self-correction]

Recast: Yes, does her mother play the piano? [As in a conversation] Metalinguistic feedback: Remember simple present tense. We use something else for verbs. Not “is”! [Self-correction]

Clarification Request: Pardon me! Can you say that again? [Selfcorrection if possible]

Elicitation: So, you say,” … your mother play the piano?”  [Gap filling activity in the sentence for self-correction] 

Body Language: Teacher knits his eyebrows. He shows that there is a problem in the sentence. [Asking for self-correction]

Giving Options: Is or does? [Self-correction]

Explicit correction with Metalinguistic Feedback: You should say “Does your mother play the piano?” Because when we use verb, we use “does” not “is”.


Sınıf Yönetim Modelleri

Öğretmenin sınıfta kullandığı dört çeşit öğretme modeli vardır: tepkisel, önlemsel, gelişimsel ve bütünsel. Bir öğretmen sınıfa girdiğinde yaptığı öğretim modeli mutlaka bu dört öğretim modelinden birine denk gelir ve seçilen öğretim modelinin derse etkisi kaçınılmaz olduğundan yapılmaması gereken davranışları öğrenmek adına hepsini de bilmek gerekir. Ders modellerinde bize Özge ve Melih öğretmen eşlik edecek ve her eğitim modeline beraber göz atacağız.

Özge öğretmen sınıfa gireli yedi dakika olmuştur ve Ali isimli öğrenci özür dileyerek elinde olmayan sebeplerden ötürü sınıfa geç girmiştir. Özge öğretmen ise “Gelmesen de olurdu zaten!” diyerek öz saygı zedeleyici bir dille cevap vermiştir. Diğer bir örnek ise, Melih öğretmen ders anlatırken sınıfta gürültü oluştuğunu fark etmiş ve gezerek ders anlatırken sesin geldiği yöne doğru yürümüş ve sınıftaki uğultu kesilmiştir. Her iki örnekte de öğretmen istenmeyen davranış ortaya çıkana dek tepkisizliğini korur. Davranışçı yaklaşımdan esinlenerek ortaya çıkan bu geleneksel öğretim modeline tepkisel sınıf yönetimi denir. Sınıfta otorite öğretmendir ve öğretmenin sen dili kullanıldığı görülür.

Özge öğretmen sınıfta öğrencilerin telefonla oynadığını daha önce fark ettiğinden bu davranışın öğrencilerin dikkatini dağıtmaması için dersten önce telefonları bir kutuya toplamıştır. Melih öğretmen ise, telefonları toplamamış ancak kullanımını gördüğünde öğrenciye vereceği cezayı ilk dersinde peşinen söylemiştir. Her iki öğretmenin de önlem aldığı bu modele önlemsel sınıf yönetimi denir. Bu yönetim tarzında öğretmenin otorite olduğu bariz bellidir. Geleneksel sınıf yönetimi anlayışına örnek olan bu yönetim davranışsal ekolün bir ürünü olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.

İlkokul beşinci sınıfa derse giren Özge öğretmen, daha ilk dersinde sınıf kurallarını belirlemiştir. Ancak bu kuralları kendin başına oluşturmamış öğrencilere de söz hakkı tanımıştır. Özge öğretmenin dikkat ettiği noktalardan biri de konuları anlatırken soyut ifadelerden kaçınmasıdır. Çünkü o yaştaki öğrencilerin henüz gelişimsel olarak soyut ifadeleri anlamaya hazır olmadığını bilir. Bireylerin gelişimsel özelliklerinin dikkate alındığı bu sınıf yönetim modeline gelişimsel sınıf yönetimi denir. Çağdaş sınıf yönetimine örnek olarak gösterilir ve hümanizmin bir yansıması olarak öğrenciye söz hakkı tanır. Öğretmenin yapıcılığı korumak için ben dilini kullandığı görülür.

Genel olarak bakıldığında bir öğretmenin kendisini kesin çizgiler içerisinde diğer sınıf yönetim modellerinden ayırması mümkün değildir. Mesela Melih öğretmen lisede girdiği dil sınıfındaki kuralları öğrencileriyle belirler (gelişimsel). Sonraki haftalarda iki öğrencinin ders esnasında tartıştığını fark eder ve onları uyarır (tepkisel). Tartışmanın tekrarlanmasını istemeyen Melih öğretmen derste tartışan öğrencileri sonraki derste ayrı oturtmuştur (önlemsel). En başta gelişimsel olarak başlayıp ihtiyaç halinde diğer yönetim modelini de kullanan bu yönteme bütünsel sınıf yönetimi denir ve en çağdaş öğretim modeli olarak kabul edilir. Gelişimsel sınıf modelinde olduğu gibi öğretmen öz saygı zedeleyici dil kullanmaktan kaçınır.

Buraya kadar en gelenekselden en çağdaşa doğru sınıf yönetim modellerini inceledik. Kısaca bir tavsiye verecek olursak, çağdaş bir öğretmen tepkisel sınıf yönetim modelini bütünsel sınıf yönetiminin bir alt başlığı olarak kullanmalıdır. Aksi halde sınıfta orta çağın başarısızlığını görmek kaçınılmazdır.

Dil ve Edebiyat Öğretimi Ara Ödev


  1. What makes short story different from novel? (Compare them) (20 p).
  2. What is conflict in a short story? What kinds of conflict are there? (20 p).
  3. Discuss different points of view in a short story. What kinds of points of view are there? Give some examples (three lines are enough) from some texts of short stories for each points of view. (20 p).
  4. Mention about the elements of a setting in a short story. (20 p).
  5. What is a symbol in a short story? (Discuss symbol in a short story.) (20 p).


1.     Short stories are, as understood, rather short. They are like written form of told stories. They are about one or two pages long. However, novels are longer more than 100 pages and elements such setting, characters, points of views are interwoven.

2.     Conflict is tension or struggling in the story. In other words, it is a problem for story to walk around. We can say there are four types of conflict.:
Person against self (internal conflict),
Person against person (protagonist versus antagonist),
Person against society (against social beliefs),
Person against nature (threatened by nature).

3.     Point of view is the camera eye of the story, narrator’s position. There are three angles in telling story: first person, third person omniscient, third person limited. First person story telling is like hiring someone in the story to tell the story. The character speaks in place of the writer. However, third person omniscient story is like telling the story from the eye of God- knowing everything and giving details from more perspective. Dwight uses pronouns such as he, she, and they. In third person limited, narrator uses again pronounce such as he, she, and they. However, the experience is limited to specific character. The narrator does not have access all the points.  

·       First person point of view

“Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.”

—Moby Dick by Herman Melville 

·       Third person omniscient 

“Do you want to eat? If you do, then you need to get cilantro instead of acting like a lazy pig,” Tina said, thinking, I can’t believe I married this jerk. At least back then he had a six pack, not this hairy potbelly.

·       Third person limited


“He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter—the boy who lived!”

—Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling


4.     There are six elements for a short story: theme, setting, characters, point of view, characterization, pilot. Theme is the generalization for the main idea of literal work. Setting is time and place this story is set in. Characters are actors in the story. Point of you is how the writer expresses the story. It can be first person or third person; omniscient or limited. Characterization is writing details or descriptions about characters. Pilot sequence means event order in a story.  The pilot diagram consists of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. We can put conflict in the middle of this diagram because all event goes round it.

5.     Symbol in short story is a technique that is carried out by using an object for evoking/referring to other object or emotions. For example, by using gravestone writer may want to remind death or by rose, he may want to depict love. In “Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe, The Red Death represents death in general. The clock symbolizes the approach of death, Prince Prospero’s name, symbolizing financial prosperity.



Kavramlar (Eğitimde Ahlak ve Etik)



Ahlak sübjektif olarak davranışların belirli bir toplum tarafından belirlenmiş pratik davranışlardır ve uyulmadığında kişi ayıplanır. Yazılı bir kural olmadığı için mekân değişince ayıplanma da kaybolur. Ahlaki kurallar zamanla değişebilir. Elde edilmek için herhangi bir topluluk içinde yer almak yeterlidir.

Etik ahlaki değerler üzerine oluşturulmuş; mekâna, cinsiyete veya toplumdan bağımsız geçerlilik görmüş evrensel kurallardır. Bulunulan mesleki gruptaki herkesi ayırmaksızın ilgilendirir. Etik dışı yapılan hareketler bağlayıcıdır ve kişiyle hep beraberdir. Ahlaki kuralların irdelenmesiyle değişmeyecek kadar doğru olan kabul edildiğinden değişmesi muhtemel değildir. Etik kuralların bağlayıcılığı altına girmek için bir alınan eğitim ile bir meslek grubuna ait olmak gerekir.

Vicdan kişinin kendini yargılaması ya da kendisiyle hesaplaşmasıdır.

Değer toplumsal açıdan bir davranış veya eşyanın çoğunluk tarafından istenilme veya kabul görme durumudur, kişisel açıdan bireye özgü yaraşıklı olma veya anlam yükleme halidir.

Norm önceden tayin edilmiş ve uyulması gereken özelliklerdir. Yazılı olabildiği gibi (hukuk), yazısız (ahlak, gelenek, adet, töre) da olabilir. Yani bir nevi kültürel kuraldır.

Büyüklere saygı bir değerken bayram ziyareti bir normdur.

Hak: Hukuken kişiye tanınmış faydadır.

Hukuk: Toplumu düzenleme ve devlete icraat gücü veren yasalar bütünü

Eşitlik: Her kesime olanı kaynakları aynı miktarda verme

Adalet: Kesimlere uygun düşeni yaparak, hakkı olanı verme

Erdem: kişinin ahlaki gelişmişlik ve olgunluk bakımından sürekli iyi olma durumudur.

Yasalar gerçekleşen suç ve beşerî uyuşmazlıkları çözmek için devlet tarafından kaleme alınmış uyulmaması yaptırımla sonuçlanan yazılı kurallar bütünüdür.

Etik Kod/İlke/Kural/Standart

Etik kod: Bir grup içi insanların nasıl davranması gerektiğini belirten yazılı kurallardır.

Meslek etiği kodu

·   Meslek idealleriyle ilgili meslek elemanlarını bilgilendirme

·   Mesleki davranışlara rehberlik etme

·   İyi davranışların gelişmesini sağlayıp standart altı olan kötü davranışları disipline sevk etme

Örnek: Hipokrat Yemini


Etik ilke: Eylemleri yönlendiren temel düşüncelerdir.

               Sınıfta eşitliği sağlamak                 à Öğrenciye söz hakkı vermek

Sınıfta adaleti sağlamak                à nasıl yapacağım?

Etik Kural: Etik ilkeleri hayata geçirmeyi sağlayan sonradan koyulmuş kurallardır.
               Dersten en son ben çıkacağım: öğrenciler bireysel sorular sorabilecek

Etik standartları: davranış standardını belirleyen sistemlerdin genelde yiyecek sektöründe görülür: ISO 9001 veya eğitimden örnek verecek olursak TOEFL, IELTS gibi sınavlar; CELTA ve TESOL gibi sertifikalar.

Etik ve İnsan: Kişinin davranışının etik olmamakla suçlanması için üç şey bir aradayken davranışın gerçekleşmiş olması lazımdır: özgürlük, irade ve bilinç. Örneğin silah zoruyla yapılmış bir organ nakli işleminde doktor etik açıdan sorumlu tutulamaz. Çünkü özgür iradesiyle yapmamıştır.

Etiğin 3 ögesi: niyet, eylem ve sonuç. Her zaman hepsi iyi olmayabilir.

Niyet: bağımsızlık (iyi)     Eylem: savaşmak (kötü)                 Sonuç: bağımsızlık (iyi)

Etik temellendirme

·        Kozmolojik Değerlendirme: Evrenin ve doğanın düzeni temel alınır. Evrendeki düzene uyum içinde yaşamak iyi ve ahlaklı yaşam olarak kabul edilir. [İlk çağ]

·        Teolojik Değerlendirme: Dini kurallara uygun olan doğrudur. [Orta çağ]

·        Antropolojik Değerlendirme: Hümanist bir düzlemde insanın özüne uygun olarak yaşamak. İnsan ahlaki kurallarını kendi belirler, dışarıdan bir güce ihtiyacı yoktur [Rönesans ve M.Ö Yunan Aydınlanması]

·        Toplumsal ya da Sosyolojik Değerlendirme: Toplum Sözleşmesi yer alır (Kohlberg ahlak gelişimi). Toplumun yararı düşünülür. İnsanı toplumun üyesi görmekle antropolojik değerlendirmeden ayrılır.

Etik Sistemler

·        Sokrates: İyi olan her zaman ihtiyaç duyulan veya arzu edilen değildir. İyiyi talep etmek gerekir.

·        Platon: İyinin ne olduğunu bilmek belli tecrübeden sonra keşfedilebilir. İyilik mutlak bir hakikattir. Neyse onu yaşamalıdır yoruma çık değildir, alternatifi yoktur.

·        Aristoteles: İnsan için iyi hayat à Mutluluk hayatıdır.

·        Hedonizm: İyi hayat haz alınan hayattır. // (Bir daha mı gelicez dünyaya?)
Kıreneci Hedonizm: Lükse düşkünlük

·        Kınikçilik: Hayattan kopmuş köşesine çekilmiş sofi hayatı. Kurtuluş toplumu reddedip bir köşede yaşamak ve tüm hazlardan vazgeçmektir. (Bu dünya boş.)

·        Stoacılık: Kader anlayışı. Kaderine teslim ol ve rahata ve özgürlüğe kavuş (evet çelişiyor). Maddiyattan vazgeçmek zorunda değildir ancak maddiyat insanın merkezinde yer almamalıdır. [İtidalli dindar kimse]

Modern Etik Kuramlar

·        Hakkaniyet: bütün kararlar tutarlı, tarafsız, gerçek

·        İnsan Hakları: Bireylerin varlığı el üstündedir.

·        Faydacılık: Herke için fayda beklenir.

·        Bireysellik: Kişisel kazançları artırmayı savunur.

Etik Sistemler Açısından Kuramlar

·        Faydacılık: Sonuçta faydalıysa doğrudur. Hedefe giden her yol mubahtır. Hedef mutluluktur.

·        Kural Etiği: Immanuel Kant. İnsanı insan yapan aklıdır. Gerçekler hep gerçek ve doğruydu. Ayrıca nesneldi. Kurallı ve erdemli yaşam. Erdem en büyük mutluluktur. İyi niyet.

·        Toplumsal Sözleşme Etiği: Otorite ve özgürlük arasındaki dengeye vurgu yapılır. Etik doğruluk toplumun norm ve geleneklerine bağlıdır. Bireyler bir araya gelerek kolektif bir organ oluştururlar. Adam kayırma söz konusu değildir. Toplum kurallarını yine toplum üyeleri belirler.

·        Kişisel Etik/ Vicdan Etiği: Doğru kişinin içindedir ve vicdanla bulunabilir. İnsan kendi kararlarını verip kendi etik kararlarını oluşturabilir. Kesin bir formüle sahip değildir. Birey toplumun içinde yer alır ancak etik konusunda bireyselliğini korur (toplumsal sözleşmeye zıt). Kişiyle beraber değişebilir.



Teaching Vocabulary Midterm Task



According to Wilga Rivers, vocabulary is not something that can be taught but can be expressed, offered, and experienced via activities in the class or extensive resources. As language teachers, we use tricks to advertise words so that learners sense enthusiasm towards content and this accelerates the word acquisition by learners.  But, at the end, the learners, themselves, acquire the vocabulary with certain ways. Here, I share some techniques so as to shed some light on vocabulary learning.


Guessing words out of context

Once two or three thousand most used words are learned by the reader, these words are  used in dictionaries to make description, the reader, himself, can make guesses about unknown words from the context, itself. One of the reasons why it smooths away for the reader is that common two thousand words constitutes about eighty to ninety percent of each English sentence. This is not a skill that needs to be taught and almost everybody with the knowledge of most common two thousand words can predict the meaning of other words. To give an example, “I couldn’t solve the test, because it was so gawkun.” As it is obvious, anyone knowing other words can easily predict the meaning of made-up word as “hard” or “difficult” like solving an equation problem with unknowns in mathematics.

We can say that the reader experiences a few steps. First, the reader looks under the hood and anticipates the class (verb, adverb, noun, or adjective) of the unknown vocabulary. Then, he finds its role in the sentence and its collocation. And then he investigates the usage of the relation of sentence with unknown vocabulary with other sentences (if there are any). Punctuation and conjunctions play an important role on discovering these relations.  And in the end, the reader with this knowledge predicts the meaning of the vocabulary. If words guessed can be used interchangeably in place of unknown vocabulary without deformation in the meaning, then most probably it is correct. They can use breaking word into prefix, root, and suffix and check root word meaning as a verification method.

The problem we face while teaching is that learners are less confident about guessing L2 words. So, we should implement more guesswork in our activities so that students can embrace this strategy. It should not be reduced to reading. Listening is also favorable for guessing.


Known as keyword technique also, mnemonics can be described as getting help from an L1 vocabulary with similar sound. L2 (English) word and with auditorily similar word from L1 are put into an unusual association together in learner’s imagination. When this association is remembered, so is it the meaning. Although this technique seems to be bizarre at first, it is effective thanks to using imagination. Moreover, it even can be used for remembering words from L1. (Here is an example[1]) By this aspect, this technique is thought to be superior to the other techniques. It is easier to remember and can be used for any parts of speech.

To have learners activate this technique, we should give a few minutes to think with their inner sound and advise them to generate their own mnemonics with a visual element -not just by sound. However, it can be still borrowed from someone or somewhere else (Here is an example[2]) and it can strengthen connections and help the learner understand this technique.

Word Cards

This is a beneficial activity for the students who have problems with imagining words (using mnemonics or reflection). In this activity words are learned or memorized by intermittent repetition as a result of retrieval practice effect. Students’ vocabularies are testes by “student to students” or “teacher to students” interaction. One side of the cards are written with L1 words while the other ones with target language (L2) counterparts. Cards can be prepared by the teacher or students, or it can be provided from somewhere else. There is no specific rule that person preparing should consider such as choosing the words from same context. Any word can be written down regardless of context. Important parts are that cards should be around 20 to 50 and words with difficulties should be put the top of the pile. Another thing is, words already learned I should be put aside for focusing on unknown ones. Students or teachers can benefit from online resources for creating word cards for testing themselves by which they can add and omit words from their virtual card pile. (Example for Android | IOS)

When looked at the big picture, it can be seen that this strategy is based on guessing. To implement this strategy, we, teachers, can create pairs in the class and get students to test each other. They can get clues from each other asking whether the word is an adjective, noun, verb, or adverb, or by asking syllable count. Other clues that can be shared are giving the word without syllables and using ghost writing technique, which is writing in the air or on pair’s back. The more it turns into a game, the more they like the strategy.


Users of this technique mainly aims to fortify the words in mind by focusing on important and effective usage and reflecting on how they are used in context.  They know learning cannot occur in a minute and are aware of the fact that they are not able to use some words while speaking and writing although they understand them easily when they read or listen. Moreover, they are fully aware that they avoid using some words because they know that they do not have a grasp of collocation, punctuation, or pronunciation of these words.

Leaners make stride in vocabulary learning in six stages: from “I have never seen the word before.” to “I use the word with confidence, both and speaking and writing.” To overcome these stages, they endeavor to notice and learn polysemes (multiple meanings of a word)[3]. For example, the word reinforce is used in the meaning of giving more support to something in “This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.”[4] and used for increasing the military strength in this example “Our defense is must be reinforced against attack.”.  

It is important for us to students to experience authentic material and notice how people respond to the use of their words. When people respond unexpectedly, they can think that they have said something wrong or there are other meanings for word they used. We can also suggest our students to watch movies and series because equivocal words or phrases are used much in series to make expression more quizzical.

Using Dictionaries

Using dictionary is useful for studying vocabulary in terms of reaching them quickly and learning accurately when getting from context does not work (So the learner is familiar with parts of speech). It is also favorable for self-studying even after years following education completion.

To integrate dictionary using in vocabulary learning, the learner needs to get familiar with dictionary layout. Reading dictionary guide, which is in the first pages in a dictionary, would be helpful to embrace explanation and abbreviation style of the dictionary.  On the other hand, phonetic transcription may variate between dictionaries although it is believed that there is an international standard. Cross checking (checking backwards) is also important for bilingual dictionary users in order to use suitable and fully covering vocabulary.

Learners should be careful about polysemes (the fact of having more than one meaning) such as “digest” in “digesting the food” and “digesting the words”, and homonyms (a word that is spelled the same as another word but that does not have the same meaning). For example, marine /məˈriːn/ meaning “found in or produced by sea” and marine meaning “member of a body of soldiers trained to fight on land or sea.” are completely different words but spelled and pronounced the same. We can put homographs [or heteronyms (they are almost the same)[5]] in this category. They are like homonyms but pronounced differently. Then you can see the trick here: “Why would you desert /dɪˈzɜrt/ your dessert /dɪˈzɜrt/ on the desert /ˈdez·ərt/?”

We, teachers, can set tasks or give examples [MU1] in which learners have distinguish polysemes. We can create groups from students sharing same L1 to prevent or diagnose interference problems. To prevent this, learners should be encouraged to crosscheck the words from bilingual dictionaries. On the other hand, we can integrate vocabulary learning into writing activities. Students check each other’s assignments and correct their spellings by using dictionaries.

Sub-strategies for Vocabulary Learning

Alphabetical index

In this strategy, learner creates a personal dictionary to recall words from their long-term memory.

Labeling objects

In this strategy, learner prepares adhesive labels on which he writes L2 equivalent of the vocabulary. Every time he interacts with objects turn into a repeat rehearsal and he procedures retrieval practice effect.


Motivations for vocabulary learning cannot be distinguished from language learning itself because approximately half of the words in a sentence are content words (words from dictionary not grammar). By this sense, I decided to regard motivations for language learning in this category.  From cognitive aspect, we can regard exploration, knowledge, ego enhancement as motivation drives for language learning. From constructivist view, we can put belonging, social status in this category.  To give tangible examples, some learners learn to read Harry Potter in English, watch movies without subtitles or just because they love English culture.  Some learns for studying abroad, getting better job opportunities, or because their parents told them to do so. It can even be a parent living abroad who wants attend meetings in school.[6] So, learners should have a purpose and try to reach it.




Printed References

·       Akar, N. (2010). Teaching Vocabulary. Özel Eğitim Hizmetleri Yayıncılık ve Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Lti.

·       Harmer, J., & Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary (1st ed.). Pearson Education ESL.

·       Zimmerman, B. C. (2008). Word Knowledge: A Vocabulary Teacher’s Handbook (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

·       Nation, I. (1990). Teaching & Learning Vocabulary (Teaching Methods) (1st ed.). Heinle ELT.

·       Hornby, A. S. (1994). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford Univ Pr (Sd).

·       Brown, D. H. (2014). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (6th Edition) (6th ed.). Pearson Education ESL.


Online References

·       Elini Kaldır! | Karsu Dönmez | TEDxIstanbul. (2016, January 4). YouTube. https://youtu.be/D7LxuEODkys?t=443

·       Dünyanın En Hızlı İngilizce Öğrenme Metodu! (2017, July 1). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa4Eac5bpUQ

·       https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/polysemy

·       https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/homonym

·       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonym

·       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polysemy

·       https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ef-mentor-words/id928429152

·       https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ef.mentorapp

·       https://www.udemy.com/course/tefl-essentials-learners-and-learning/

[1] Elini Kaldır! | Karsu Dönmez | TEDxIstanbul. (2016, January 4). YouTube. https://youtu.be/D7LxuEODkys?t=443

[2] Dünyanın En Hızlı İngilizce Öğrenme Metodu! (2017, July 1). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa4Eac5bpUQ


[3] Polysemy. (n.d.). Https://En.Wikipedia.Org/. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polysemy

[4] Hornby, A. S. (1994). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford Univ Pr (Sd)

[5] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, December 3). Homonym. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonym

[6] Brown, D. H. (2014). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (6th Edition) (6th ed.). Pearson Education ESL.

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