21 Aralık 2020 Pazartesi

Micro-Teaching Mid-term Assingment










Trakya University

Faculty of Education English Language Teaching Program

2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Term

Microteaching Course Midterm Assignment Paper


Metin Uysal

English Language Teaching




Task 1. Study the following speaking activity.  


·         Which of the following working arrangements would be possible which not and why? Discuss each item in detail.                                                (8 items x 5 points = 40p)


a)      Students think and then write answers on their own.

To me, this a favorable activity for inductive learning and can be used for discovering grammar rules, as well. Because this is a fluency-based activity and the activity itself gives the student the correct answers which they have no chance to be grammatically wrong. Writing will help to establish connections with dependent and independent clauses.

b)     Students study on their own and take notes regarding each item. Then they present their opinions to the whole class.

I think this activity is not a fully suitable activity for speaking class. Everything is written down beforehand and there is no need to take notes. This working arrangement looks suitable for enhancing listening skills. But presenting the opinion and studying on their own parts look favorable. Each time we speak we think beforehand. By this aspect, students whose mother tongues are from different language families can improve their grammar skills to organize word order. Moreover, student can look their notes during their speaking session. In this sense, this activity turns into an accuracy-based activity and is not recommended for the teachers looking for a fluency-based plan.


c)      A whole-class discussion.

This is suitable but partially effective working arrangement. It is true that the teacher gets answers for unreal present events. But it may not be possible to activate all students to respond because in a big class sometimes they may be ones who even cannot get a turn.


d)     A pair work discussion.

This is suitable and more effective than whole-class discussion. By this arrangement, students can have more chance to talk and interact with each other. However, if students are not enhanced enough to produce sentences autonomously, lesson can turn into a chit-chat session.


e)      Small group-work.

Depending on student profile, this working arrangement can be used. If students have already comprehended the topic, this arrangement can be used as a scaffolding activity, by which students assist each other via social interaction. On the other hand, this arrangement will not be favorable if students generally do not understand or students who have not understood fall into the same group.


f)       Students walk around and mingle with other students.

This working arrangement is basically suitable for speaking activities. Only if students have already comprehended the grammar rule and are already ready for production phase, this working arrangement can be used as a part of speaking activity under the condition that they are given a scenario, in which they have to and need to use unreal present “if” form. In other cases, students may complain about not finding anything to talk about.


g)      Video recorded homework in which students discuss their opinions.

For accuracy, this is a good homework because students can watch again and correct their mistakes. On the other hand, students may not provide perfect conditions for shooting the video. Students with less technological experience may have extra problem apart from producing and uttering sentences. It looks like good assignment but for mid-terms or finals.


h)     Written homework.

A suitable homework for accuracy. Students can spend how much time they ever need, and they can reach additional resource in case. What we do in the time of speaking is putting words in an order as in writing. In this sense, this writing activity may help students reduce the time for production and speak fluently in the future.

Task 2. Bearing in mind the activity route map:


·         Describe your plans, actions, and moves you will adopt in each step.

 (6 items x 10 points = 60p)



a)      Before the lesson[MU1] 

ü  Material preparation (board, board marker, course book)

ü  Analyze the content (reading activity/ present simple tense)

ü  Imagine the activity.

ü  What is your role? (guidance, helper, initiator)

ü  Rehearse it.

ü  Assumptions (students know simple present tense and most used 300 English words)

ü  Anticipate potential problems and questions? (pronunciation problem on TH sound and some unknown words)

ü  Solutions (pronunciation activity and word check are put before reading)

ü  Decide on duration. (15 min)

ü  How should it be instructed? (using gestures)


b)      Lead-in/Preparation [4 min]
(Make a guess about the previous activity which most probably was a speaking one. If you study the activity instruction carefully you will get it right)

Gathering attention, generating interest, and preparing the students what they are about to learn.

Hello guys! How are you? Today, we are going to learn about a different city from a different country.

            Lead-in Questions[MU2] 

            Where do you live?[MU3] 
            How are the people in your city?
            Do you know Brazil?


            Vocabulary Check[MU6] 

1.      Do you know these words? Can you say them.

2.      Now, we are going to fill in the blanks with words from the list.
There are two words you are not going to use.

public transport


Layla and Imane ______ a question to thier mother.

But she can't ________ it.

Then they make a ______ on Internet.

They find an answer for thier ________.

Public transportation is very _____ here.

c)      Setting up the activity [1min]

Seating arrangement and giving clear instructions for the activity.


No seating arrangement is required.

  Any seating plan is suitable for reading activity. No time spent for seating arrangement.


Giving instructions for reading activity

Modelling the activity by showing the reading text with index finger upside down.

Now we are going to read a text about Gill. He lives in Rio. You have 5 minutes. Go!

Running the activity [5 min]

·         Students do the reading activity individually.

·         Monitoring whether it is understood

If understood, the teacher can use discreet monitoring (not helping), or he can do active monitoring (helping if needed not over helping)

d)     Closing the activity [2min]

Evaluation: checking whether students understood the reading text.

Now we are going to do true false activity.

Comprehension check

T   F    People in Rio generally ask for lighter and battery[MU8] .

            T   F    You can see beggars in Rio

            T   F    People ask questions about your personal life

If students do everything correctly, then I pass on the next activity. If they are not successful, then we redo reading activity again or point out the sentences to find answers.

e)      Post-activity [3 min]

In this part students are going to use their speaking skills to talk about topics related with reading activity.

Discuss these questions as a class

Now, I'm going to ask a few questions before we go home.

Would you travel Rio?[MU9] 
Do you share your belongings with others?

OK guys that's all today see you tomorrow!

I think we can call this section as lesson plan because of the similarity

The course book seems to be an elementary level. After analyzing the text, I decided not to use any past forms or present perfect tense.

 [MU3]Reminding students the form of present simple tense by asking a stereotype question.

 [MU4]My preparation for reading text because we talk about people in Rio and their behavior.

 [MU5]Getting learners attention to Brazil.

 [MU6]Potential vocabularies that learners may not know.

 [MU7]Check in TH sound pronunciation. If there is problem with that sound, then I do pronunciation practice with other TH sound words like thanks, think and compere them other TH sounded words from reading text such as that, mother, then and there. Because /θ/ and /ð/ are different sounds but written with TH. So that students can start to make some distinction.

Intentionally put for learners to realize the difference between light and lighter.

 [MU9]For asking student ‘s personal opinions.

 [MU10]Question related with reading text. Because in the text Gill says there are many beggars in this street. With this question, students will be able to share their personal attitudes. 

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